Every day, we face various situations that provoke specific reactions in our body. Therefore, it is not surprising that we are encountering new symptoms that have a negative impact on our health. However, there is no need to worry about everything, but at the same, it is wise not to overlook possible threats.
How many of us are solving our health problems? How many of us are talking about them and taking concrete steps to deal with them? You know the answer. Yes, the vast majority of us. But how many of us actually use the right procedures and ways? Today, the most of us seem to be health professionals. We think that if we do not suffer from any serious disease or chronic illness, that we are healthy. Is that really so? The goal is not to evoke negativity or fear, on the contrary, the goal is to think about what we actually do for ourselves and our bodies on a regular basis.
istockphoto / marilyna / Marek Belica
Books, websites and other media provide us with various types of diets, cleansing treatments. There is also a recent belief that it is not necessary for us to undergo any cleansing procedures. But is it really so? What do you think about it? Many experts have an opinion, that the natural processes in our body are sufficient. However, when we realize that our body comes daily into a direct contact with many foreign substances (we do not even know about some), the body itself is not able to excrete all such substances from the body. Therefore, even on the basis of our own experience, we perceive cleansing as a part of our everyday life. Cleansing is a method that helps our body, in the current trend of life, keep it in the right form. However, it needs to be done in the right way. Therefore, it is necessary to make purification the part of our routines.
Another myth that significantly affects us, is about a lifestyle. Many of us say: I have changed my lifestyle, It will make me feel better. Is that really so? Lifestyle is based on some material values, we wear certain things, we have our hobbies, we are engaged in various sport activities. To some extent, these facts affect our health. In addition, our lifestyle is something that has only a temporary duration. Mostly we can change it with regard to what is happening around us, what is currently trendy in a society. Thus, lifestyle does not have such a significant contribution to our health. Lifestyle will not save anyone.
istockphoto / Liudmila Zavialova / Marek Belica
Similarly to cleansing, there are many food theories, plenty of information sources that point to the "right" principles of eating with guaranteed success and outcome. Consider the popular term "Balanced Diet." The problem is that everyone explains this term in his or her own way. However, only a few are able to realize, what is causing our problems. How can someone declare that you should eat a balanced diet if he or she has no idea what problems are you struggling with? Basically, it is an attempt to suppress the real cause and leave it to a chance. Some of us eat everything in moderate way, and we are convinced that such an approach will help us. However, the opposite is true. It's like building a lego kit. Gradually building the foundations and rebuilding our interior is a fundamental step forward. And to build this foundation, the purification is the ideal step to take.
Many people have recently begun to realize that eating has some impact on what we want to achieve in our life. Whether it's work, hobbies, health, long life - how we feel influences what we want to achieve and therefore our diet can help us to feel good. It is one of the five basic points (eating, the air we breathe, the way we think, the environment in which we live, physical condition) that have a direct and long-term impact on a person and his or her life.
The first step that we need to take is to realize a uniqueness of our body and situation. By realizing one's uniqueness, one can move from general recommendations to advices specifically focused on him or her. Because we each have lived in a different environment, we each have our strengths and weaknesses somewhere else. It is the strengths that need to be developed and the weak points that need to be strengthened. Taking into consideration the fact, that each of us is a unique being, we can say, that what is good for one can harm the other or can act on him neutrally without any results.
The first important thing is to find out the real state of our body. Real means not what we think, but what it really happening with our body. The body's systems are interconnected. For for example a knee pain can be a kidney problem, so it would be useless buying some expensive ointments that could remove the symptom, but not the essence of the pain. And so the problem would keep coming back again and again with greater intensity. Only removing the cause of the problem make the symptoms disappear. Not everyone is led from an early age to a healthy diet and to listen to own body. But here we have to free ourselves from the thoughts and assumptions of what is with our body and simply listen. This needs to be trained and then the skill will gradually improve with more training.
If we are not able to listen yet, it is the best to visit someone who knows, a person - an expert to a holistic medicine, who can take a person as a whole and knows the interrelationships between organs, the relationship of the body with the environment and the relationship of the body with the way of thinking. Only such a person can give us advice, what is healthy for us and what diet will help us. When we can tune our body to a higher level with such a diet, we will learn how to listen to it. With a proper diet, we will show the body plenty of new ingredients so that it retains its effect as a program that will start just when it will be the necessary raw material for us again
The fate of nations depends on the way they eat
— Anthelme Brillat-Savarin —
The only way, how to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you don't like.Mark Twain
Disciple: "Master, how can I achieve the enlightenment?"Master: “Everyone does what brings him or her joy. Make a self-discipline your joy and enlightenment is yours! ”Upanishads